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Author Archives: Fred Abrams

Hiding Assets By Structuring, Stashing Cash & A Nominee Bank Account

USA v. Trahan was about the criminal prosecution of former FBI Special Agent, Gregory Paul Trahan. During Mr. Trahan’s divorce, Mr. Trahan hid bank accounts and cash from his wife. Mr. Trahan also helped a person in another divorce, hide community property / cash. In furtherance of Mr. Trahan’s scheme to hide community property, Mr….

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Structuring Cash To Hide It In Community Property States

Structuring cash, (a.k.a. smurfing), is one thing to look for when spouses hide money during their divorces in community property states. US Treasury Department’s FinCEN explains structuring occurs if you “break up…currency transactions [at banks] into multiple, smaller amounts to avoid being reported to the government.”1 This means organizing cash transactions beneath the $10,000 threshold…

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Hiding Community Property In A High Net Worth Divorce

If you are in a high net worth divorce, your spouse might hide community property from you by misusing: These are just three of the common money laundering methods. Although not a high net worth divorce case, filings in Brooklyn Federal Court in USA v. Ahmad reveal how one might use the three methods to…

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During your divorce you may need to search for community property your spouse hid in secret bank accounts.1 If your asset searches & / or bank searches show your spouse hid community property, you may need to prove this in Court. If so, there are pitfalls you can avoid which are discussed below. I have…


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Divorce & Hidden Money: Concealed Assets & Concealment Schemes

Learning about concealment schemes can help you spot concealed assets your spouse places beyond your reach during your divorce. Therefore, a divorcing spouse trying to identify hidden marital assets / community property could learn a lesson from Dr. Krishnaswami Sriram.  Dr. Sriram is thought to have concealed assets from the IRS in two suspected concealment schemes. The…

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2 Tips For When You Access Your Divorcing Spouse’s Computer

If you are in a high net worth divorce, you might hire a forensic computer expert to access your divorcing spouse’s computer. You might hire this expert to try to detect community property your divorcing spouse hid from you. Meanwhile, if you are going to access your divorcing spouse’s computer, make sure your access does…

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Hiding Community Property At A Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan

  If your spouse is a highly paid key employee, your spouse may participate in a nonqualified deferred compensation plan offered by an employer. By using this kind of plan, your high net worth spouse might reduce taxes by deferring an employer’s payment of salary, stock share certificates, cash or other assets. The YouTube video…

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Using Forensic Computer Experts In Your Divorce

By using forensic computer experts in your divorce, you might identify a money trail leading to community property your spouse hid from you. In fact, you may be able to ask the Court to appoint a forensic computer expert to act as special master in your case. This special master would examine your spouse’s computer…

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Your Search At Swiss Banks And Other Banks Offshore

I.  Are Secret Swiss Bank Accounts Still A Viable Concealment Tool? The number of secret Swiss bank accounts held by U.S. citizens has decreased in recent years. This is due to FATCA; and Qualified Intermediary Withholding Agreements with the IRS; and the U.S. Government’s Swiss Bank Program. According to my counsel in Switzerland, many Swiss…

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A Computer Search For Hidden Marital Assets?

I. Alleged Hidden Marital Assets At A Bahamian Trust Mrs. Jennifer Stein suspected her anesthesiologist husband Dr. Barry D. Stein, had hidden marital assets during their divorce.  According to Mrs. Stein, Dr. Stein transferred assets to a Bahamian trust to place them out of Mrs. Stein’s reach. Dr. Stein allegedly manipulated the family finances, Mrs….

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