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Author Archives: Fred Abrams

Divorce & Hidden Money: Whistleblowing, Tax Fraud & Tipping The IRS

The post “An Asset Search, Tax Fraud & Divorce” was first published at the Asset Search Blog on January 16, 2008.  It is republished below as the seventh post in the “Divorce & Hidden Money” series.  The post describes my investigation of a divorcing husband.  While I was the divorcing wife’s attorney, I discovered the husband […]

Divorce & Hidden Money: Four Asset Concealment Tools

  This is the sixth post in the “Divorce & Hidden Money” series. “Four Ways Assets Can Be Secretly Transferred” mentioned methods some use to move assets across international borders.  My post regarding the 2011 divorce between Helga and Gaston Glock discussed additional asset concealment tools.  Any one or a combination of these additional tools can be […]

Divorce & Hidden Money: Helga Glock Claims Gaston Glock Started Concealing His Assets

This is the fourth post in the “Divorce & Hidden Money” series. Mr. Gaston Glock’s creation of the ubiquitous Glock pistol turned him into a billionaire and he is thought to be one of the twenty wealthiest individuals in all of Austria.  Mr. Glock’s ex-wife Ms. Helga Glock meanwhile, suspected he is concealing marital assets […]

Divorce & Hidden Money: Four Ways Assets Can Be Secretly Transfered

This is the third post in the “Divorce & Hidden Money” series: One divorcing wife explained to me that she believed her husband had hidden money in offshore bank accounts.  This divorcing wife found a box her husband inadvertently left  in the basement after he moved out of their marital residence.  The box had an account […]

Divorce & Hidden Money: Concealing Monies In A Cayman Islands Bank Account

This is the second post in the “Divorce & Hidden Money” series: A divorcing spouse may combine a number of elements in one scheme to hide marital assets.  Bearer shares can be one of these elements, as more fully set forth at my post Bearer Shares & An Asset Search.  Bearer shares are negotiable instruments that for example, […]

Divorce & Hidden Money: Alaskan Plastic Surgeon Accused Of Concealing Millions In Central America

This is the first post in the “Divorce & Hidden Money” series: During ultra-high net worth divorces, one party can conceal vast sums of money from the other by going offshore.  Stated differently, divorcing spouses may hide their wealth by utilizing cross-border elements, as money launderers do.   The Financial Action Task Force mentions these elements at a F.A.Q. […]

Hiding Assets Through Gatekeepers With Accounts Across The Globe

The bottom of p. 5 of this Wolfsberg Group Statement says money laundering risks include financial “[a]ccounts for ‘gatekeepers’ such as accountants, lawyers, or other professionals for their clients where the identity of the underlying client is not disclosed to the financial institution.“ It is therefore no surprise that assets hidden through laundering or otherwise, can end up in […]

Anti-Money Laundering Bellwether Seeks Transparency Across The Globe

The Financial Action Task Force (“FATF”), is the bellwether for the fight against global money laundering and terrorist financing.  Its leading role is recognized by U.S. lawmakers in the Bank Secrecy Act at  31 U.S.C. §5311, which states: “FATF’s Forty Recommendations on Money Laundering and the … Special Recommendations on Terrorist Financing are the recognized global standards […]

A Low-Cost Asset Search

Financial investigators, bankruptcy trustees, judgment creditors, etc., sometimes research**  the following kinds of records / databases as part of a low-cost asset search: Real Estate Searches: Some government databases provide for free real property searches, like New York City’s Automated City Register System (“ACRIS”) at “https://www.nyc.gov/html/dof/html/jump/acris.shtml”.  ACRIS permits one to search for real property owners […]


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