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Category Archives: Hidden Money

Divorce & Hidden Money: Four Ways Assets Can Be Secretly Transfered

This is the third post in the “Divorce & Hidden Money” series: One divorcing wife explained to me that she believed her husband had hidden money in offshore bank accounts.  This divorcing wife found a box her husband inadvertently left  in the basement after he moved out of their marital residence.  The box had an account […]

Divorce & Hidden Money: Concealing Monies In A Cayman Islands Bank Account

This is the second post in the “Divorce & Hidden Money” series: A divorcing spouse may combine a number of elements in one scheme to hide marital assets.  Bearer shares can be one of these elements, as more fully set forth at my post Bearer Shares & An Asset Search.  Bearer shares are negotiable instruments that for example, […]

Divorce & Hidden Money: Alaskan Plastic Surgeon Accused Of Concealing Millions In Central America

This is the first post in the “Divorce & Hidden Money” series: During ultra-high net worth divorces, one party can conceal vast sums of money from the other by going offshore.  Stated differently, divorcing spouses may hide their wealth by utilizing cross-border elements, as money launderers do.   The Financial Action Task Force mentions these elements at a F.A.Q. […]


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